Zivs Istochniki Prava Kratko

Zivs, Istochniki prava, Moscow, 1981, p. 108.There are, however, as pointed out by several authors in socialist legal literature, a lot of inconsequences in current legislation: e.g.,it may by considered as an established practice that some statutes enacted by parliament draw only general lines, thus requiring other normative acts regulating the details or implementation: see A.

Problems of the responsibility of state in the practice of consideration of international investment disputes International Law Commission in the Articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, the text of which is annexed to resolution of the General Assembly 56/83, adopted, among the elements of internationally wrongful act indicate, that such an act must be attributable to the State under international law. According to the general rule the State is responsible for the conduct of any State organ. Besides, the Commission indicates the special rules of attribution, for a example conduct of persons or entities exercising elements of governmental authority. Work bibliographic list. International law and the internet. US international cyberspace initiatives The Internet forms and diversifies processes of social regulation and the contemporary logic of regulating social relations that are in one way or another connected with the Internet.


The international law initiatives of the US Government are reflected into fundamental documents, the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace and the International Strategy for Cyberspace, Prosperity, Security and Openness in a Networked World. It is self-evident that it will be impossible to regulate relations in the field of Internet, and in particular to solve cyber security problems without international cooperation and without the use of international legal institutions and mechanisms. Work bibliographic list. Analyzing the issues of observation of human rights in the context of epidemic of HIV/AIDS the author comes to a conclusion that efficient and long-range measures in response to the epidemic are based on the recognition of and respect for human rights, which also plays a decisive role in mitigating the consequences of the epidemic for people living with HIV/AIDS. Activity of civil society is also another most distinguishing feature of efficient response measures, particularly where people living with HIV/AIDS take part in them. Cooperation of the World Health Organization and international non-governmental organizations (the problem of international legal personality) One of the points under discussion in the doctrine of international law is the status of international non-governmental organizations (INGO).

INGO are counterparts of international intergovernmental organizations (IIGO). World Health Organization frequently turns to non-governmental organizations for expert advice and consultation. The role of INGO in solving global health problems is really important. Constitutional and legal fundamentals of the judicial power in Belarus In the article the situation and the structure of judicial power of the Republic of Belarus are examined. The author distinguishes features of the legal regulation of the organization of courts of general and special jurisdiction, of the Constitutional Court.

Akt oplombirovaniya elektroschetchika obrazec 150. According to the study some suggestions for improving the judicial system in Belarus are made. The article takes into account the experience of the judicial system of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The formation of criminal liability for crimes against property under the legislation of Russia and foreign countries (Romano-German and anglosaxon legal systems) The article deals with the question of the formation of criminal liability for crimes against property under the legislation of Russia and foreign countries. The author reveals the historical aspects of Roman-German and Anglo-Saxon legal systems, analyses historical development of foreign legislation in which the following aspects are described: the components of crimes containing fraud and abuse of trust, and included in different legal systems that stipulate criminal liability for crimes against property.