Kimia Organik Fessenden Pdf To Word

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• book reviews General Science Puzzle Fun Jennifer and Michael Leory. Weston Walch, Portland, Maine, 1978. Xvii + 50 pp.

General Science Puzzle Fun is a package of word puzzles designed for general science courses in middle-schools and junior-high schools. Seek-and-find word games, cross- word puzzles, and anagrams with one letter of the word answer provided have approxi- mately even distribution in the set. Of the fifty puzzles, 25 cover Biology and 3 cover Chemistry. The rest use Astronomy, Physics, Weather, Oceanography, Geology, and Space Travel as subjects. The solutions to the word puzzles depend upon thestudent's knowing, or being able to find, a body of facts. The puzzles could be improved by having some solutions depend upon concept understanding.

Some of the puzzles ask the student to name people or places that might not be mentioned in some textbooks. If the class- room text does not give an answer, the teacher would have to provide other refer- ences or verbally fill the void. The authors state that the puzzles could he used as an introduction or a summary of a unit of study. These puzzles are another version of the old fashioned work sheet, ex- cept that this time the student should have some fun. It is thereviewer's opinion thatthe puzzles would he used best as a teaching supplement to be used occasionally to break up the classroom routine. Bill Nickels Schoolcran College Livonia, Michigan 48151 The Basis of Organic Chemistry.

Second Edition Ralph J. Fessendm and Joan S. Fessen- den, University of Montana. Allyn & Bacon, Ine., Boston, 1978.

Xiv + 420 pp. The first edition of this one-semester ar- ganic text appeared in 1971 and was reviewed very adequately a t that time hy Q. Peter- sen (d. It is reassuring to see that in this second edition the authors have taken careful note of many of the criticisms leveled a t their first effort.

There is no dauht that this newer version represents a substantial improvement which goes beyond a new ewer picture. There have been some substantial changes in the presentation although the format and chapter sequence remain basically the same. The first four chapters present fundamental concepts. The next five chapters discuss various classes of organic compounds and their reactions.


Chapter 10 is a fourteen page summary of the first nine chapters, and the final eight chapters present relevant special topics with a decided emphasis on biulogi- cally important molecules. The key word marginal outline has been omitted while the breakdown of subject headings and sub- headings has been improved.